

External Evaluation Report


1.丂External Evaluation Report on the Fiscal Year 2009
The comments below were made by the external examiners.
- The objectives of this program are to allow nursing students to equip community perspective, to understand necessity of cooperation, and to utilize ICT. It is assumed that at island practicum, students are able to accomplish these objectives. In order to evaluate significance of practicum on islands, we need to evaluate whether the present practicum method allows students to accomplish the objectives at the final year of the college program.
- Regarding use of FGI for evaluation, it needs to be assured that students are able to speak freely. Moreover, results need to be examined by taking each background into consideration; whether results are affected by the home stay experience or the overall element of the Miyako island. It would be worth examining both short-term and long-term influences.
- Differences between what students learn on the Minako island and at the main island should be clarified.
- One of the objectives is to understand “community perspective.” Students could have learned the community perspective if they had experienced the local life-ways in real life setting of residents.
- If characteristics of practicum on the Miyako island are further identified, one can clarify what elements of the existing practicum should be applied to practicum on other islands.
- When the application of the model into other regions is considered, island types of Okinawa can be good reference.

2.丂External Evaluation Report of the Fiscal Year 2010
The External Evaluation Meeting for the FY 2010 was held by participation of 6 external examiners on the 28th February 2011 at the main campus of OPCN. Following the overall report of the 3 year program by Dr. Maeda who is in charge of project implementation and promotion, evaluations and suggestions below were made (Meeting Minutes 5-1-1)

* Evaluation of the Program
- There were positive evaluations: good accomplishment was made since the college as a whole dealt with the program; the practicum allowed students to acquire precious experiences such as learning “community perspective” which are valuable in nursing; and the program can is helpful in training and developing nurses.

* Suggestions
- Entering and showing data of what students, instructors and residents learned into a matrix may allow us to see a model of effective island practicum.
- I want the project outcomes – understanding of community characteristics and acquisition of community perspective – to be made into a generally applicable framework to other communities.
- Refined organization and analysis may be required in order to utilize the outcome for further program development.
- “Continuous development of nursing” could have included not only Okinawa, but also other parts of Japan and other Asian countries.
- Regarding application (of the model) to other communities, one needs to consider how to create a condition and environment like the Miyako island in which energy and enthusiasm exist. 

The report will be compiled, and further development will be sought for based on these evaluations.





亂 Contact 亃
Okinawa Prefectural
College of Nursing
1-24-1 Yogi, Naha City, Okinawa
Phone: 098 (833) 8800
FAX: 098 (833) 5133